Progetto “The inculsion of young people trough dance and popular songs – Erasmus+

Si è svolto in Spagna, a San Lorenzo de El Escorial, località vicino Madrid, lo scambio giovanile ( Erasmus+ Youth Exchange) Codice progetto 2022-3-ES02-KA152-YOU-000097887
San Lorenzo de El Escorial is a municipality andtown in Spain, in the Community of Madrid. It islocated in the northwest of the Community, on the southeastern slope of the Sierra deGuadarrama, at the foot of Mount Abantos andLas Machotas, 47 km from Madrid. It is head ofthe homonymous judicial party.
La delegazione italiana è stata composta 5 giovani donne : Ilaria Deodato ( leader group) , Viviana Campagna, Giulia Puliatti, Alice Modena, Teresa Carnabuci.