What makes you different makes you beautiful

What makes you different makes you beautiful

What makes you different makes you beautiful

La Commissione Europea ha approvato il Progetto Erasmus + dal titolo ”
What makes you different makes you beautiful ! ” ( Ciò che ti rende differente , ti rende bello )

Our Erasmus+KA229 project “What makes you different makes you beautiful” has been approved and it is funded. We are five schools of five countries : Greece, Italy, Portugal, Hyngary, Poland.The central goal of our project is to deal with highly diverse classrooms, while at the same time to avoid early school leaving and improve students learning achievements.Other objectives:- A powerful school environment which respects diversity and supports all students making them to feel unique. – Respect the values (religious, ethnic, personal) of other people, by promoting tolerance and openness to other cultures, people, languages, religions, customs and lifestyle, as well as by eliminating xenophobia and prejudice. – Promote oral, writing and research skills, the use of foreign languages, communication, negotiation and debating skills.- Familiarize students and teachers with ICT.

Partner italiano è il Liceo Caminiti Trimarchi di Santa Teresa di Riva che coordina la rete locale con Parco Letterario Salvatore Quasimodo e ANOLF Messina.

Il Coordinatore trasnazionale è la Istituzione Scolastica Greca
Liceo “4th Gymnasio Polichnis” (4ο Γυμνάσιο Πολίχνης) – GRECIA

( web https://4gympol.wixsite.com/4gympol )

e come partners trasnazionali le seguenti istituzioni scolastiche :
Agrupamento de Escolas D. Sancho I – Vila Nova de Famalicão – Portogallo ( web: https://www.aesancho.pt )

Nyíregyházi SZC Vásárhelyi Pál Építöipari és Környezetvédelmi-Vízügyi Szakgimnáziuma – Ungheria ( https://nyszcevisz.hu/wp )

XLIII Liceum Ogolnoksztalcace im. Juliana Tuwima – Lodz – Polonia (https://43lolodz.edupage.org )

OS Gornje Vrapce – Zagabria – Croazia ( http://os-gornjevrapce-zg.skole.hr/)

E, come detto , per L’Italia l’I.I.S. “Caminiti Trimarchi” di Santa Teresa di Riva, Capofila Italiano

Il Progetto Erasmus+ What makes you different … fa tappa in Sicilia – Parco Letterario Salvatore Quasimodo – Roccalumera, Sicilia, Italia (parcoquasimodo.it)

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